Boating BC is asking for your feedback to recover the Southern Resident Killer Whales

May 9, 2019
Over the past few months Fisheries & Oceans Canada and Transport Canada have led a number of Technical Working Groups to make recommendations on measures to recover the Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKW). Boating BC participated in the process with a seat on the Sanctuaries Working Group.
The government has consolidated feedback from all of the working groups and have published a consultation paper that outlines two options, each with a different set of measures. We are encouraging all of our members to respond to this consultation and express your support for Option A as it will have significantly less impact on recreational fishing than Option B. The recreational fishery in BC is already under immense pressure for the 2019 season – anything we can do to help alleviate that pressure will directly benefit the recreational boating industry.
Time is of the essence. The consultation process closes this Friday, May 3rd and the measures will be implemented immediately – in time for the return of the SRKW for the summer season.
You can download the consultation paper here – and provide comments in support of Option A and the recreational fishery to
Boating BC responded to the consultation process with this letter.
Will Chinook Fishing Restrictions Affect You
On April 16, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) announced new management measures—non-retention fishing restrictions, and the shortening of fishing season (from 120 days to 30 days in some regions)—aimed at protecting Chinook salmon stock on BC’s coast.
It is estimated that 9000 jobs in recreational fishing and related industries will be affected by the defacto closures.
The BC Chamber of Commerce is reaching out to all sectors impacted by this decision with a quick six question survey to determine how businesses will be impacted by the restrictions.
If your business is impacted by the restrictions placed on Chinook salmon, please take a few moments to complete the survey here.