Length (in Feet)

So, You Need a New Prop

Being asked to contribute to an article on re-propping at this particular time was appropriate because, during a recent conversion with some colleagues, we were discussing what the most common inquiries were that we received from customers while working the boat shows, everyone agreed that propellers and re-propping was at or near the top of the list.

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Marine Batteries: Types, Charging, Wiring and Set Up

Marine batteries are designed specifically for boat usa…

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From the Expert: Comment from Fogh Boat Supplies on the Statement from Interlux Regarding the Discontinuation of VC17

After reading Interlux’s statement on the discontinued VC17 antifouling paint, we have prepared some of our recommendations:

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Sponsored: Trim Tabs vs. Interceptors: What are the Advantages and Disadvantages?

Series E is a family of large, fast-acting interceptors…

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Preparing for fall maintenance

As we begin to think about the change of season that is…

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Ask Andrew: Sealing the boat’s prop shaft

In any boat with an inboard engine, the machinery that…

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Ask Andrew: Is Sea Speed the Answer?

Every spring, boaters gather in paint splattered overal…

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Applying or Repairing Your Vinyl Boat Lettering

One of the pleasures of boating, at least for me, is re…

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Ask Andrew: Andrew’s Book Club

My friends have refused to help me move. It’s not becau…

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Sail Replacement and Purchasing Process (Part 1 of 2)

For many sailors north of the snow belt, haulout means getting the boat ready for winter, which inevitably involves removing the sails. Oddly enough, winter is often the first time we really take a close look at them as we spread them out, flake and fold them. This is when we can closely inspect and spot some troublesome areas.

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Keven Talks Sails: Winter Voyage Preparation

This is the time of year for planning next season’s special voyage. This may be a trip up the coast, across the lake, or multi week sail to the islands or a favorite anchorage.

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Maintenance with Marc: Simple & Trouble-Free Diesel Fuel System Maintenance

The fungicide also acts as a biocide and prevents bacteria & fungal growth contamination from growing in your fuel, which is a big cause of filter clogging.

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Winterizing – Made Simple with Marc’s List

Last fall, a few members at my yacht club walked over and joined the exchange, which, by the way, is one of the great benefits and pleasures of being part of a yacht club or marina.

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Maintenance with Marc: Your engine mounts – do they need replacing? Part 2

Once you’ve removed everything around and opened up all accesses to the engine and prop shaft, use wood blocks under the engine to hold it in place. I used the car scissor action jack from my car. You’re not looking to raise the engine.

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Maintenance with Marc: Your engine mounts – do they need replacing? Part 1

Do you have abnormal engine vibration; rubber dust around engine mounts; telltale signs of possible engine mount wear or imminent failure?

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Boat DIY: Cradle adjustments can distort your boat

Last issue of CYOB, we discussed stay and shroud tension and how these adjustments can affect boat stress and even jam cupboard doors.

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Repair and re-paint your deck or cockpit floor

After 27 years of sun and traffic, the cockpit floor on Aquaholic was starting to look faded and had many small pinholes and minor surface cracks.

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Choosing a Marine Surveyor

It seems like everyone has their “guy”, usually a marine surveyor they either know personally or have been referred to by another boater (or someone in the marine or insurance industries).

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Spring commissioning checklist – Part 2

In Part 1 last issue we looked at a lengthy list of pre-launch checks, sailboat rigging and paperwork. This time, we move on to the engine room and carry on from there. We don’t guarantee and exhaustive list – make your own and build on it every year.

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How to maintain a boat’s steering cables

By keeping a boat’s steering system in proper working order, an owner can ensure that they have reliable and proper control of a boat at all times.

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Spring commissioning checklist – Part 1

Everyone has their own spring ritual that often includes rooting through the basement or garage and finding the uncompleted tasks from last year.

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Taking Care and Adding Years to Your Canvas

Whether you’re a powerboater or a sailor, and for those of us that have our boats hauled out and stored, winter is an excellent time to take proper care and maintenance of your canvas. Regardless of the investment that can vary greatly, we know how indispensable they are for increasing and extending the enjoyment of our beloved boating seasons.

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Safety: Five midwinter checkup tips for boat owners

Storms have hammered the country big time this winter so many recreational boats are sleeping away the winter under a layer of ice and snow. If you store your boat outside and haven’t checked up on her lately, The folks at Boat Owners Association of The United States offers five tips for a midwinter checkup that apply nicely in Canada, too.

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What I learned from my sacrificial anode

Once our boat comes out of the water, I take the annual fall tour of the hull so I can determine what to worry about all winter. The first thing I note is that the sacrificial anode I had intended to replace prior to launch last spring remains un-replaced.

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Keven Talks Sails: Sail and Cover Cleaning

Last issue we covered most of the different materials used for protective covers, and these durable materials require special care. So, how often should you wash your sails and sail covers? As infrequently as possible! An aggressive and thorough sail washing can wash several seasons’ worth of use out of a sail; work on preventing soiling rather than relying on cleaning!

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An investment in enjoyment – regular boat maintenance pays dividends

It has always been important to have a marina that can provide good service, but in the madness that was the summer of 2020, getting great service was really essential to a great boating experience.

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Tips and Tricks: Prep in pandemic times – Part 2

Last issue we got up with Montreal sailor Marc Robic who has accumulated a lot of tips and tricks for prepping your boat, especially as we emerge from lockdown.

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Launch prep: Maintenance and pre-season checklist for cable steering systems

While some parts of the country are lucky enough to have year-round boating, there are plenty of places where boats are put away for extended storage. When the weather warms up and it’s time to hit the water again, you want to do everything in your power to ensure a smooth start to the boating season and trouble-free time on the water all year long.

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Longer Battery Life Pt2 Maintenance – How to get more years from your boat batteries

All marine batteries require regular maintenance, even AGM and lithium-based models. Put maintenance on your calendar so it’s automatic. Consider storing safety and maintenance equipment near your charging station to save time.

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Tips and Tricks: Prep in pandemic times – Part 1

Spring has finally sprung! At least it has weather wise here in Montreal, so it is with great anticipation and boyish giddiness that I loaded the car with all the “things” I will need for this special day – the first of many pre-launch readiness days!

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Cars Onboard: Trailer Maintenance

There is nothing worse than your boat trailer breaking down while on the way to a great weekend. Over the years I have towed a lot of items big and small and have owned a few trailers, and have been lucky enough to not have anything real bad happen to me with a boat on the trailer.

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How to do a midwinter checkup on your boat – four tips

Boating boomed in 2020, with scads of first-time boat buyers chasing respite from the pandemic. Now many of these new boat owners are learning how to maintain and store their vessels for the first time. A midwinter visit to check on the boat − no matter if stored ashore in a backyard, a yacht club or a marina parking lot − is a wise thing to do.

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Safety: Care for your Inflatable PFDs

I often get asked if regular care and maintenance is necessary for inflatable PFDs. Here is a rather lengthy answer to the question and some recommendations. The sources of this information come courtesy from Mustang Survival. The information has been edited to reflect approved inflatable Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) sold in Canada.

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Marine Vinyl Wrap – An Alternative to Paint

Wrapping your hull with marine vinyl wrap instead using traditional marine paint seems like a new trend for the West Coast but it has been common in Europe, New Zealand, and Australia for quite some time.

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Cored Deck Repair

It’s race night and the breeze is strong. Sails are full, the rigging is taught and the crew are working hard. Footfalls hit the deck and bodies move across the cabintop. The boat is tacked and sails are changed. Sheets are tightened and maximum downwind speed is reached.

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Canadian Yachting Media 12-Volt Webinar 2 – Charging

On May 21 at 1400 EDT, Canadian Yachting Media will present the 2nd webinar in its series on better understanding your boats systems with 12-volt Charging: The Basics. Canadian Yachting magazine contributor, Rob MacLeod, hosts this webinar series that will looks at various aspects of boating and boat maintenance.

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Do It Yourself Deck Repairs

After a successful R2Ak and regatta season in 2019, I felt that Pitoraq was due for a major maintenance catch-up. I decided to forgoe winter racing and take advantage of an extended haul -out from October to March.

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What’s a yacht and small craft marine surveyor worth?

Pause for a moment and ponder this question. How much is your life and your safety at sea worth? Most people would say priceless and impossible to put a value on.

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Pitoraq – keeping a boat in good order: Part 3

In preparation for permanently fixing the rudder bearings into the hull and deck, I put the rudder in place with the bearings on the stock and shimmed and clamped the rudder to hold it in alignment.

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