Start your spring prep with some reading

Mar 23, 2023
These volumes provide the in depth info you need from knowledgeable experts to get your boat in shape for the season.
Understanding Boat Plumbing and Water Systems
by Payne, John C.
CAD $18.95
Covers: Water Systems, Water Tanks, Pressure Pumps, Hot Water Calorifiers, Diesel Hot Water Heaters, Desalination Systems, Bilge Pump Systems, Bilge Alarms, Bilge Pump Maintenance, Sewage Systems, MSD Systems, Shower Drain and Sink Systems. Payne has written many other titles on boat systems.
The Boatowner’s Guide to Corrosion
by Collier, Everett
CAD $27.95
2nd ed. A comprehensive guide to help boatowners find corrosion problems before they are obvious, take simple steps to prevent them, protect all metals used on boats, and guard against the dangers of electrolysis.
The Boatyard Book
by Jollands, Simon
CAD $48.00
When haulout and launch approach, this is the book to have handy. A practical, comprehensive reference manual, it provides sensible, accessible advice about annual maintenance, repairs, upgrades, and refits of both sailing yachts and motor boats up to 20 metres in length. Jolland has also collected advice and tips from highly respected boatyard owners, specialists, and surveyors, as well sharing insights from his own quarter-century of boat ownership. Fully illustrated with step-by-step photos and illustrations.
The Boat Improvement Bible: Practical Projects to Customise and Upgrade Your Boat
CAD $52.95 CAD $9.99
Detailed manual on how to improve all aspects of a yacht or motorboat, including many projects that will improve a boat’s safety, comfort, faciities, storage, performance on the water, and value. Projects include installing heating systems, water systems, air conditioning, better ventilation, solar or wind-power chargers, interior lighting, adding a bathing platform and much more.
The Big Book of Wooden Boat Restoration
by Larsson, Thomas
CAD $32.00
Larsson is one of Sweden’s most experienced wooden boat restorers. This book is both an introduction and a reference guide to restoration work, with chapters on boat care, boatbuilding, gluing, tools, and making clean repairs. Helpful glossary also included.
Shipshape: The Art of Sailboat Maintenance
by Mate, Ferenc
CAD $39.95
This step-by-step, detailed, and indispensable guide covers maintenance jobs from launch prep to weekly, monthly, and yearly projects. Mat? draws on his own years of boatbuilding and sailing experience and also includes practical advice from such manufacturers and boatyard experts as North Sails (on sail care), Edson (on steering gear), Interlux Paints (on polyurethanes), British Seagull (on outboard engines), and Concordia Yacht Yard (on wooden boat maintenance).
by Sail Magazine
CAD $57.95
The editors of SAIL magazine, have assembled from BoatWorks magazine an incomparable collection of how-to projects, procedures, and advice you won’t find anywhere else. From stem to stern, BoatWorks takes you step-by-step through exciting DIY projects such as: building a spinnaker, mounting an in-hull depthsounder, assembling rigging terminals, installing an anchor windlass, building a folding saloon table, and much more.
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