Incandescent to LED lights – A boat owner’s conversion guide



Dec 12, 2017

Many of the boat owners that I’ve talked to in recent years where considering the change over from incandescent lighting to LEDs. At the Paynes Marine trade show last month in Victoria BC I met up with James Ng Pres. of Dr. LED. I had been impressed with the printed guides that they had developed to assist boaters who wanted to convert to LED lighting.

Incandescent navigation lights have always been a big power drain for boaters as they can draw up to 2A each. With LED navigation lights, boaters need to run their engines far less to replenish the drained batteries. Dr. LED’s Polar Star 40™ series of LED bulbs for navigation lights provide single, bicolor, and tri-color replacements for many brands of navigation light fixtures. All boaters need to do is to remove their incandescent bulbs and replace them with Dr. LED’s LED bulbs. By doing so, the current draw is reduced at least 90% and the long life of Dr. LED’s bulbs will eliminate frequent bulb replacements.

Available On
With more and more boaters converting their incandescent lights to LEDs; Dr. LED has solved the conundrum for boaters. Dr. LED, a pioneer in high-quality marine LED lighting, is pleased to announce the availability of their incandescent to LED conversion guide and LED bulb selection guide for navigational lights. Android and iOS apps are also available for free download. To further encourage LED conversions, Dr. LED has reduced their interior bulb prices substantial in 2018.

Dr. LED provides a series of truly innovative LED solutions to marine market. To know more about them, please visit their website:



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