How Can CPS-ECP Members Help Boaters Prepare for Boating Season?

Feb 9, 2016
John Gullick, AP
Manager, Government and Special Programs
Every year boaters ask me and many of our CPS-ECP members what they can do at the beginning of the boating season to be well prepared?
Each season thousands of boaters go out on the water without the proper safety equipment required by law. This equipment can be of great benefit and comfort and can mean the difference between a great day out on the water and a potential disaster.
As a CPS-ECP member what can my Squadron and I do to help?
Consider becoming a Recreational Vessel Courtesy Check (RVCC) volunteer. The RVCC is a totally free voluntary service and is conducted without penalty if a deficiency is found. You simply complete the provided form with the boater and advise them of any outstanding requirements and offer a re-inspection when the boater has added the needed items.
How can I become a RVCC Volunteer?
There is a Training video and Declaration form available on line in French and English. Simply go to and click on Watch the Video. When you have done so complete the attached Declaration indicating that you have viewed the video, understand its contents and have no further questions. Then work with other RVCC volunteers in your Squadron to conduct RVCC inspections. Forms, compliance stickers and other CPS-ECP information material are available to be ordered through your Squadron. They may already have some of these materials on hand.
Becoming an active RVCC Squadron and volunteer will give you an opportunity to offer a valuable service to all recreational boaters regardless of their vessel of choice. It will also give you an ideal opportunity to talk to other boaters about CPS-ECP, its courses and other activities.
You can inspect vessels that are in or out of the water. You can tell boaters what is required and give specific information about each item, what items are best for specific vessels and boating conditions and even how to properly use certain items or what additional training might be available.
You can also talk about PFDs, Sail Plans, Alcoholic Beverage Consumption while on board and Pre Departure Check Lists.
Get your Squadron involved if that has not already happened. It is a fun activity and can be very rewarding for CPS-ECP members, Squadrons and all those other recreational boaters who participate.