Andy Adams inducted into the NMMA Canada Hall of Fame

Feb 8, 2024
On Tuesday, January 23rd during the Toronto International Boat Show, at the NMMA Canada Industry Breakfast, Andy Adams was inducted into the NMMA Canada Hall of Fame.
Nominations had been open during the late fall 2023 and the submissions were discussed and evaluated. The NMMA Canada Board of Directors then voted and the award recipient was selected.

As the Editor of both Canadian Boating magazine and Boating Industry Canada News Week Digest, and the long-term host of the NMMA Canada Breakfast event, it was a bit tricky to avoid revealing to Andy who the winner was, but Marie-France Mackinnon, the new NMMA Canada Executive Director and others all kept the news secret until the end of the January 23rd Industry Breakfast.
When she took to the podium and made the Hall of Fame announcement, Andy was genuinely shocked and surprised!

His lengthy career writing about the marine industry, the boats and other products, and especially, our industry leaders over several decades, were viewed as his special qualifications for the Hall of Fame Award.
Andy joins a list of previous Hall of Fame recipients starting in 1998 with Harold D. Shield, the original founder of the Toronto International Boat Show. The list to date of previous Hall of Fame recipients on the NMMA Canada website is:
2022: Tom MacNair
2020: Michael Vollmer
2019: Brock Elliott
2018: Harold Copping
2017: Denys Lapointe
2016: Rick Cassels
2015: Victor Duhamel & Carl Dewar
2014: Gary Poole
2013: Christopher Goulder
2012: Ross Jardine
2010: Ian Bruce & Marcel Dubois
2009: Gerald (Jerry) Huck
2008: Robert Eaton
2007: Bob Paterson
2006: Ed Botterrell
2005: Ted Quinn & Mark Ellis
2004: George Hinterhoeller
2003: Bruce Robertson & Larry Lauzon
2002: Ed Lee & George Cuthbertson
2000: Gordon Blake & Hans Fogh
1999: Lloyd Crate & Karen Larson
1998: Harold D. Shield & W.J (Bill) Robertson