2nd Annual Gulf Islands to Naniamo Race (GIN) Open for Registration

Feb 23, 2016
NOTICE OF RACE GIN (Gulf Islands Nanaimo) race Organized by Blast Performance Sailing Chemainus, British Columbia, Canada Saturday, June 25th and Sunday, June 26, 2016 Commencing in Victoria, British Columbia and ending in Nanaimo, British Columbia (Approximately 65 nautical miles depending on route chosen).
Boat owners who meet the eligibility requirements are invited to register for entry in the second annual GULF ISLANDS NANAIMO (GIN) race, an open race through the Gulf Islands from Victoria to Nanaimo.
This race is included in the Vancouver Island Racing Series, occurring the weekend before the SnakIN Regatta hosted by the Nanaimo Yacht Club.
GIN is a QUALIFYING RACE for the Van Isle 360 International Yacht Race.
Scoring will be available for PHRF NW, ORC and IRC. Limited free moorage available at Royal Victoria Yacht Club before the race and a weeks free Moorage at Naniamo Yacht Club.
The first 30 complete registrations will be eligible to receive a free bottle of Gin from our Presenting Sponsor Victoria GIN!
Details here: http://www.vanisle360.com/wp/race-documents/