CYOB Inbox: January 9, 2020

Jan 9, 2020
Dear Santa;
Thank you so much for all the boats you gave us over the years. We have all the White ones we need, all the Blue ones and all the Black ones. You gave us some with sticks in the air and others without. What a lot of choice!
Santa, I wonder, this year could you bring us some new customers. Someone we can get warm and friendly with, someone we can help. Someone new to boating or someone needing a change. We have all the tools we need to help them and enough choice to allow us to satisfy their curiosity.
A line-up around the block would be a dream-come-true. Like all those kids at the mall waiting for you; but we would take them one-at-a-time and show them the time and respect they need.
I don’t have a very big tree this year, you can’t leave them all for me. Spread them around, a little, at least. Or if that’s too difficult, maybe some discounted tickets for first timers to the Boat Shows.
All the Best of the Season to You.
Signed; Waiting for the Show to open.