“Why We Roll” – Epifanes Poly-urethane Rocks The Roller!

Feb 11, 2021
Who could have imagined it would get this easy? With Epifanes Poly-urethane yacht coatings, all it takes is rolling and it rolls beautifully — with a four-inch, high-density foam roller and without all the painstaking overspray protection that spray painting requires or the double-fisted duty of rolling and tipping.
The crew at Epifanes headquarters in Thomaston, Maine has always known that all you needed was a good roller and good paint. Epifanes paint can deliver incredible results: a head-turning glassy finish — on fiberglass, wood, aluminium, or steel. And the painting was easy. More recently, Epifanes took their rolling demo on the road, meeting with professional applicators who quickly shared their enthusiasm and took the roll-only technique in-house.
Prep work? Full disclosure: There’s no escaping the importance of superior and thorough surface prep. Sorry. The work of refinishing lies in the pre-painting effort—and Epifanes will reward your prep work like no other paint. Once you put the roller into the paint tray, the rest is pretty simple. Just keep it going. Be consistent. Maintain a wet edge and work quickly, but don’t rush the job. Be smooth. You’ll see the beauty of your labours immediately. Amazingly, that beauty will deepen as the leveling properties in the paint take effect. As the Epifanes coating cures, a glassy finish appears as a rich gloss with mirror-like reflection. What’s more – and this is a significant plus – unlike spraying, rolling Epifanes puts more paint on the boat. That greater mil thickness gives you a tougher, more resilient layer of colour that resists scratches and lasts longer.
Ready to rock your masterpiece? You can do this! Watch Rolling Epifanes Poly-urethane on YouTube for a detailed, step-by-step demo, and look for Epifanes Poly-urethane at your favourite marine store. Got questions? Give them a call at 705-527-9612 or toll-free at 1-800-269-0961.
See the Promotional Video here: