weBBoat Provides Web Access to Any Size Boat

Glomex Webboat

Boats of all sizes are increasingly dependent on internet connectivity for system updates and troubleshooting, not to mention posting to social media while ten miles from shore.

June 21, 2023

Boats of all sizes are increasingly dependent on internet connectivity for system updates and troubleshooting, not to mention posting to social media while ten miles from shore. The internally-mounted Glomex weBBoat Link IT1304/US from GA Communications is the easy way to add Wi-Fi and 3G/4G web access to a vessel without the need for a large external radome.

When starting the IT1304/US, it automatically connects to the marina’s secure Wi-Fi and rebroadcasts the signal throughout the boat through the integrated 4G router. Not only can handheld devices connect wirelessly as they might in a home, but so will vessel systems, either via the hotspot it creates or through the LAN and WAN Ethernet ports.

After the boat leaves the harbour and loses the Wi-Fi signal, the Glomex weBBoat Link IT1304/US automatically finds a North American cellular broadcast via a SIM card and connects to the internet. During the APN switch, there is no lag, so even streaming audio and video won’t be affected. Download speeds are 150 Mbps from LTE 4G and 42 Mbps in dual DC-HSPA+ mode. The device complies with IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11g and IEEE 802.11b wireless standards.

For owners who venture far offshore or to remote coastal areas, the IT1304/US has four diversity antennas that allow it to switch to a subscribed V-SAT/SAT signal. A video is at www.bit.ly/WeBBoatLink.

The weBBoat Link IT1304/US is a true plug-and-play 12/24V DC solution. It’s simple to configure and manage using the Android or iOS companion app, or via a PC with the Glomex webUI. With these, the user can also send and receive SMS text messages, monitor SIM card data and take advantage of encrypted real-time peer-to-peer remote setup and service.

For owners needing longer range, the device is available as the Glomex IT1304EXT/US. With two small high-gain 4G antennas, it will connect to cellular signals up to 20 miles from shore.


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