2019 PHRF-LO Chapman Championships

1st Overall New Racer

Feb 13, 2020

1st Overall 2019 PHRF-LO Chapman New Racer Award Mike Fuessel of Apache, Cobourg Yacht Club presented by Brian Thomson, Chief Handicapper and Mike Campbell President of PHRF-LO.

The snow storm on the first day of the Toronto International Boat Show last month didn’t prevent sailors from as far away as Albany NY, attending PHRF-Lake Ontario’s presentation of the awards for the Chapman New Racers and the Season Championship at its AGM.

PHRF-LO represents 1,446 sailors from 58 member clubs racing on Lake Ontario, Lake Nipissing, Lake Simcoe, Georgian Bay and, the Ottawa River. Each member club submits their race results at the end of the season to the PHRF-LO office for computational analysis. The actual performance of every boat compared to their handicap is the foundation of the annual handicap review of boat classes undertaken by the PHRF-LO Central Council of Handicappers.

The PHRF-LO New Racer Award is for novice racing sailors to encourage them to participate in as many races as they choose and continue their involvement in competitive sailing. Named for Brian Chapman, a long time Technical Adviser to the Central Council of PHRF-LO. His advice was integral in efforts to create and maintain fairness and encourage racing across PHRF-LO waters.

The PHRF-LO Chapman New Racer Award winners for 2019 were:

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The 2019 PHRF-LO Chapman Season Championship comprised of 43 designated events involving 599 competitors. The winners were:

Adrian Hanley1st Overall 2019 PHRF-LO Chapman Season Championship Adrian Hanley – It’s a Conspiracy – Bronte Harbour Yacht Club

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