Surprises and not surprises

American Magic


Jan 28, 2021

American Magic survived capsize. The boo-boo is now repaired and the bandage pays tribute to the competing teams that saved the American entry from sinking.

Just when you think you know, it turns out you don’t. For example, I was already getting bored with the America’s Cup.  Yeah, yeah, fast boats but here come the Americans scalding by the Brits to ultimately lose to the NZ boat.  But no, it hasn’t gone like that at all!  Just before American Magic nearly sank and the British sailors were revealed as geniuses, there had been talk of going back to 12s because the foilers were too expensive and overly tech. Now we are looking to the next round with riveted excitement. So, stay tuned as this rolls out.

How about those Olympics. Cancelled?  Not cancelled?  Again, stay tuned.

As we drift aimlessly around our locked down home/home office/prisons it’s hard not to look ahead to spring. It will be glorious.  Based on last year’s summer we will be able to launch and enjoy our boats. But what will that look like in 2021?  Family only? Bubble guests? Racing?  Cruising? Isolation?

If you already own a boat, you’re in a fortunate situation.  With travel and most expenditures off the table Canadians are jumping on board, literally.  Boat sales here and south of the border are off the charts and as a result, some models are as scarce as vaccine. The pre-owned listings are reduced. Many new boaters are joining our ranks, if they can find a boat.

We have always known this was a brilliant way to spend one’s time. Fresh air, scenic waterways, lots of comfort, useful exercise. A boat is all things: cottage, DIY maintenance project, reason to buy stuff, a nice platform for dining and snacking. Of course, hospitality and friendship is central to most boating experiences and that is likely curtailed.

With all the positive energy we can muster, we are hoping Canadians are safe enough to return to normal. If not, even normal-ish boating is a gift. Can’t wait.

John Morris, Online Editor


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