Notice of Race: 34th Annual Patos Island Race: March 21– 22, 2015

The Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club will be hosting its 34 th annual Patos Island Race on March 21 st – March 22 nd , 2015. This regatta is a designated Vancouver Island Racing Series (VIRS) event and results will count towards the 2015 Vancouver Island Racing Series. The Patos Long Course is a Van Isle 360 qualifier.
There will be a long course of 67 nm, a short course of 43 nm and a day course of 15 – 20 nm. The long course is open to yachts with either PHRF ratings of 175 or less or IRC rating; the short course is open to all PHRF-rated yachts. The day course is open to yachts with PHRF ratings of 150 – 300. Division splits will be established at the close of registration on March 20 th .SNSYC will provide moorage for participating yachts.
Registration will be at the SNSYC clubhouse (1949 Marina Way, Sidney, B.C,) on Friday March 20 th from 17:00 – 20:00.
The Entry Form and Crew List form are available on the Club website (see below). Please complete and mail these forms in or drop them off at the SNSYC Clubhouse (1949 Marina Way, Sidney, BC). Registration for the Patos Long Course is $65 before March 1 or $80 thereafter. Registration for the Patos Short Course is $55 before March 1 or $70 thereafter. Registration for the Day Course is $10 before March 1 or $20 thereafter. In the Clubhouse: Friday March 20 th from 18:00 – 19:30 dinner buffet at reasonable price and no-host bar.
Briefings on weather and tidal currents will commence at 20:00, along with the presentation of trophies from last year’s race. Saturday from 08:00 – 09:00 there will be complementary coffee/tea/juice and muffins. The Skippers’ Meeting will commence at 09:00. The race will start off the Sidney waterfront on Saturday March 21 st commencing at 11:00 hrs. There is a 24 hour elapsed time limit for the Patos Long and Short Courses and 8 hours elapsed time limit for the Day Course. Saturday evening a pub menu is available in the clubhouse bar. Commencing midnight there will be complementary chilli, buns and coffee/tea/juice for sailors returning overnight. Sunday morning brunch will be available from 11:00 hrs at reasonable price.