2015 Hunter Rendezvous: June 25-28
Hunter enthusiasts are polishing their silver in preparation for the Specialty Yachts’ Hunter Rendezvous June 25 – 28 at Telegraph Harbour Marina on Thetis Island. Silver will shine bright at this year’s event, the 25th consecutive Hunter Rendezvous hosted by the company that is known for pulling all stops for one of North America’s largest, most energetic and educational events.
Bringing together more than 200 people and aiming for half as many boats, the marina is a-buzz with seminars, demonstrations, social activities, dinners and entertainment.
The cost for the 2015 four-day event is $85 per person + GST.
The registration fee includes:
3 hearty Rendezous dinners
2 festive happy hours
Friday and Saturday night entertainment
Sunday morning send-off breakfast
Giveaways and prizes for every boat
Please note that Specialty Yachts has booked the whole marina for the event, so you do not have to contact the marina directly to secure a slip. Moorage will be charged by the marina for the nights you are there.
Registration for the event is available at: http://specialtyyachts.com/events/hunter-rendezvous