News from CPS-ECP Education Committee.

Oct 27, 2022
The education department is making it easier for you and your new boater friends to find courses. With the boating season over for many of us, it is time to consider the topics that we may want to upgrade or skills in. We have just launched a new Quick View of Available Courses. This new web page links directly back to or main course calendar but will show you only courses that are available and enables you to simply click on the mode of delivery you would prefer. The table of contents is also available without having to log in to the system. This is a great way to invite other new boaters to take a course. Point your browser to
It is available in English and French. Please note also that we have 4 short seminars available with more to be added soon. Do you have an idea for a seminar that would be useful to new or experienced boaters in your community? Tell us about it.
Eric Phinney
National Educational Officer