CPS-ECP needs you!

CPS-ECP Needs You

May 26, 2022

I just read the message from our Chief Commander, Peter Bolton, which will be published in the next The Port Hole and Le Hublot. It expresses some of my thoughts.

We, CPS-ECP volunteers have had to slow down and even stop some of our volunteer activities. Some of us have had to adapt and act differently to keep the boat afloat, others did not have the opportunity to be active.

As we emerge from this pandemic experienced over the past two years, how can CPS-ECP get back on track with our mission?

Let us recognize that these two years have changed the course of our lives and that of the society in which we live. It is difficult to start again because it is difficult to recognize ourselves. “The world has changed!” We also know that a strong Squadron must be helped by an active and adaptive National level.

In early April, the Board of Directors asked me to go back to work. At the time I took over the Nominating Committee, it was clear to me that we needed to extend the deadline for receiving additional nominations for the position of Director, so the Committee decided it and the new date was set for May 31.

Volunteer recruitment is as difficult at the National level as it is at the Squadron and District levels. I am getting a lot of questions right now. It is certain that solutions must be found to get back on track, but what are they?

I am sure that many CPS-ECP members have ideas about what reforms are needed within the organization. These ideas need to be shared and discussed by the Board of Directors in order to move forward. Directors are in the best position to make quick decisions about the future of CPS-ECP. These decisions for change need to be made now, in order to be implemented in the short term.

I ask you, on behalf of CPS-ECP, to consider sharing your views on the Board of Directors and to apply for a position as a CPS-ECP Director by May 31.

You will find the document required for your nomination on the CPS-ECP website at: https://www.cps-ecp.ca/about/call-for-applications-for-nominations/ and click on “Director’s Application Form

Waiting for applications,

Robert Pepin
Past Chief Commander
Chair of the Nominating Committee

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