Recreational Vessel Courtesy Check (RVCC) 2016

Nov 7, 2016
By John Gullick, Manager of Government and Special Programs
Let me start by thanking Dale Holland, AP, Prince Edward Squadron, National Co-ordinator RVCC Program; Mary Ridgewell, AP, Alderney Squadron, Atlantic Regional RVCC Co-ordinator, Gaetan Leveillé, AP, Trois Rivieres Squadron, Quebec Regional RVCC Co-ordinator; Pete Barbour, Tillsonburg Squadron, Ontario Regional RVCC Co-ordinator and Jerry Powers, SN, Vancouver Squadron Western Region RVCC Co-ordinator for their valued efforts this season. They and the efforts of their Squadrons have helped to grow the program this year.
2016 has been a much better year for the CPS-ECP RVCC program. By October 3rd, which was the cut-off date for the awards calculations, we had received a total of 1684 completed RVCC forms and as of October 17th we have received a total of 1716 which represents a 27% increase from the 1354 reports that we received in 2015.
All Districts and 50 of their Squadrons participated in 2016. We lost 10 Squadrons who participated in 2015 but we gained 10 new Squadrons.
This program gathers very valuable information that is used to identify gaps in the carriage of required safety equipment and education that is needed to close those gaps and inform boaters about other major information and training initiatives. It also gives CPS-ECP Squadrons the opportunity to speak face to face with boaters and talk about the added value propositions that CPS-ECP can offer them. This is reason alone for all of our Squadrons to become involved in the program.
This year we added another video feature to our training video. It is a short promotional video that explains the RVCC process and shows potential volunteers in real time what is involved. Our sincere thanks go to Jim and Gina Lee, Peterborough Squadron, who participated in this video.
We are also updating the Training video for 2017. It will include the in water RVCC check on a sailboat and a dry land check on a small fishing boat. It still only takes about 20 minutes to view and there is a down loadable Declaration to sign and send in to indicate that you have watched and understand the video. Simple, so why not check it out? Again, our thanks go to Jim and Gina Lee who showed how easy it is.
We have attached a couple of photos of our members in Vancouver out offering RVCCs during Safety and Lifejacket Ready, Set, Wear It Days. Good fun is being had by all.
Now here are the RVCC awards as announced at our national Conference and AGM in Vancouver during the last week of October:
The Top Squadron who carried out 189 RVCCs was the Vancouver Squadron.
The Top District who carried out 326 RVCCs was the Rideau District.
The Most Improved Squadron was the Kingston Squadron who increased the number of RVCCs from 2015 by 161.
The Top Individual RVCC Volunteer was James C. White from the Port Alberni Squadron who carried out 117 RVCCs.
Second Place went to Bob McGill, Kingston Squadron and Third Place went to Bruce Harris, Britannia Squadron.