2024 Annapolis Powerboat Show to Run October 3-6

Sept 26, 2024
Annapolis Boat Shows will open its 52nd powerboat show this fall at Annapolis City Dock from October 3rd to 6th. This year’s show will feature 370 boats for guests to preview alongside tents stocked with the latest in nautical gear and accessories, electronics, communication equipment, education, charter companies, clubs, and more.

The Demo Dock, will be returning this year. Twenty boats will be available to attendees for sea trials – five of which are electric – including the hydrofoiling C8 from Candela, a 40’ catamaran from Aspen, and a pair of boats fitted with Yamaha and Honda’s competing new 350hp outboards. The Wine and Spirits Tasting Tent will also be making a return, allowing guests to indulge in a premium selection of wine and spirits from Maryland and California.

More than 30 educational workshops will be taking place during the show’s four day run. The topics for this year’s free seminars include trailering, what to look for when buying a used boat, kayak fishing, pet CPR, planning your trip around the Great Loop, and more. Along with the handful of fishing focused seminars, anglers will also want to check out the selection of fishing setups on display from OC Kayaks, the CCA MD Kid’s Corner, Furuno’s demo boat, and the wide variety of center consoles and sportfishing boats.
Another highlight is the show’s Brokerage Cove. Visitors will enjoy access by water taxi from Annapolis City Dock to beautiful St. Mary’s Cove, where they’ll find a wide selection of premium preowned vessels.
Tickets for the Annapolis Powerboat Show are on sale now. More information along with ticket sales can be found at www.annapolisboatshows.com.

The Annapolis Boat Shows team produces the premier show series for power and sailing vessels. Their spring and fall power boat shows boast the bleeding edge of fuel and electric powered tech at the most widely attended shows by exhibitors and guests north of Fort Lauderdale. Alongside vessels that range from accessible to elite, show tents are stocked with the latest in gear, electronics, accessories, and more.