POTW: October 25 2018 – Live Bait

Oct 25, 2018
As the sole arbiter of the Photo of the Week I, your editor, get to make the choice. This week, while thumbing through some pictures from trips past, I came across this cheery bait vendor and decided it was what we need to brighten up the autumn. Completely my choice and apologies to the readers who have sent in the Photos of the Week waiting in the wings.
I promise we will go back to more important shots in November, but this time it’s my photo. Let’s go fishing!
Despite my self-indulgence this time, we need your photos to sustain us over the off-season. So please send them in for next month.
The photo of the week can be anything photographed on or near your boat, kids, pets, lunch, Halloween costumes onboard, racing, cruising, craziness, signs – you pick it and send your photos, with a bit of a back story, to CYonboard@Kerrwil.com and put POTW in the subject line.