CYOB Inbox Jan 12


Jan 10, 2016

As always we welcome your input on any boating topic, rant, rave or praise. We promise to read them all at

When Whales Meet Sails

“This humpback whale calf was spotted by researchers in the leeward waters off Maui. The ship-struck animal was a case in which researchers didn’t know the type of vessel involved.” Photo credit: Ed Lyman/ NOAA MMHSRP (permit #932-1489)

I wanted to share with you a brand new Ocean Watch article When Whales Meet Sails. Featuring interviews with Damian Foxall, veteran Volvo Ocean Racer, and Fabian Ritter, scientists for the International Whaling Comission, the article discusses how faster ocean racing boats now pose more risks to whales and sailors. By reporting incidents, sailors can help both marine mammals and the boating community can help by reporting incidents.
“Currently the database for marine mammal strikes is very sparse. We are requesting sailors and boaters help to submit information on current and past incidents, however long ago that may be. By giving a location, date, identification if possible, and any other relevant information you can help scientists better understand where marine mammals are at risk for strikes, and help fellow boaters know where they are likely to come across marine mammals. This is the best thing we can do in our sport to protect these brilliant creatures.” – Damian Foxall, veteran Volvo Ocean Race sailor and Recreation Education Manager at the Canadian Wildlife Federation.

The full article can be read at:

Thanks for your consideration!
Hilary Kotoun
Social Impact Director
Sailors for the Sea


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