Length (in Feet)

From the Helm of Adamant 1: Blog 12 – May 2017

The Abacos. They’re my favorite area of the Bahamas with many islands to visit, all of them no more than an hour or two apart and no ocean passages to make.      

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150 Years of Canadian Boating – a brief history

  Our 150 year history began in 1867, but Canada was no stranger to watercraft prior to our country’s confederation. . .     

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Photo of the Week: May 25, 2017

If our Photo search were a contest for the hallmark shot of eastern Canada, this might be Stephen Hill’s capture aboard Tug’n our 37′ Nordic Tugin front of Percé Rock, Quebec on the Down East Circle Route, July 2016.

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Photo of the Week: May 11 2017

After the questionable spring we’ve all had, here’s an iPhone shot that will remind you what summer is supposed to look like from Dean and Dawn Powers of Dundas, Ontario.

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Real Men BBQ Quiche

The Galley Guys may not be able to achieve the impossible, but we’re always open to doing the unlikely so, while wasting a sunny Sunday afternoon on the boat we were seized by an idea – real men barbecue quiche!

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Photo of the week: April 27

Here’s a pair of shots guaranteed to get you in the mood for this summer. They come from Pat and Jan O’Malley in Nova Scotia and certainly celebrate the boating life.

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From the Helm of Adamant 1 Blog 11 – April 2017

When we left George Town last month, we had 60 miles of open Atlantic Ocean to cross. Picking the right day to do the crossing is imperative.

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Photo of the Week: April 13

I cannot help myself, I admit it. Just as cat videos have overtaken the Internet dogs on board are taking over Photo of the Week!!!

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Near-Beer Off the Pier

There is nothing so refreshing and enjoyable as a frosty, cold beer on a hot sunny afternoon, but sometimes one tastes like another and the added effects of the sun and the boat’s movements can make a couple of beers, a little too much.

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Photo of the Week: March 23

After we published a picture of a cute doggie in a life jacket we got some great dog-onboard photos and published a couple in our last issue.

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From the Helm of Adamant 1: Blog 10 – March 2017

After ten weeks in George Town, aka Adult Summer Camp, we have left the harbour and started north. George Town is the place to be in the winter if you want temperatures in the mid to high 70’s, a place to provision, good anchorages and plenty of activities to keep you occupied.

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Photo of the Week: March 9, 2017

Last time we published a picture of a cute doggie in a life jacket (my pup btw) and we received a couple of great boating canine pics in return.

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CY Inbox – Saying YES to Sail

Last issue we pondered who is buying sailboats – powerboats are selling briskly at the boat shows, but sail isn’t soaring at those same shows.

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Photo of the Week: February 9, 2017

Hello all boat-loving photogs – this is our last Photo of the week on file – we need yours!!!

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I Heart my Boat

This picture is of the vessel Puffins II a 1947 30′ Taylor Craft. This vessel has been the pride of the Frazer Family since she was purchased in 1966 in the Georgian Bay area.

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From the Helm of Adamant 1: Blog 9 – February 2017

In my last blog, Adamant 1 and Folly had just left Nassau for the Exumas. When we left the harbour, we realized there were at least 15 other sailboats headed the same way.      

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Photo of the Week: February 9 2017

This shot came to us via Cat Ward of Toronto, although it was her friend Laurie who took it from the masthead of the Beneteau. Says Laurie: I’m always ready to go up the mast. I was a gymnast when I was a kid and it doesn’t bother me a bit.

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Photo of the Week: January 26

“This is in Shoal Channel off the town of Gibsons BC. We are awaiting the start of a second race. The boat pictured is a Martin I am in a Catalina. Picture is through the channel looking west and out…      

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From the Helm of Adamant 1 – Blog 8 – January 2017

When the three day weather window we needed to cross to the Bahamas opened up, we were ready to leave Marathon. We had decided with Folly, our buddy boat, to sail straight to the Bahamas, rather than make our way up to Miami from the Keys.

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CYOB Inbox January 26

I think that Mike Ranta’s epic journey across Canada by canoe this year was as good as it gets, and I think you should take the torch and feature his journey in CY. Following the voyageur routes connected by portages, he was raising awareness and appreciation for Canadian veterans.

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Photo of the Week heads to Nfld & Labrador

Hello Photo of the Week enthusiasts and welcome to a superb album to kick off 2017.

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CYOB Inbox Jan 12

As always we welcome your input on any boating topic, rant, rave or praise. We promise to read them all

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From the Helm of Adamant 1 (a note) – January 2017

Remember I told you the story of how the dolphin guided us into an anchorage in 2008? We had though that so spooky, for lack of a better word. Well the pic here of the dolphin beside the boat was the same thing.

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From the Helm of Adamant 1: Blog 7– December 2016

Adamant 1 has had a busy month. We only stayed in Mobile long enough to get the mast put up and get provisions for the boat. Unless you rent a vehicle, there really isn’t anything to do near the marinas, so we didn’t linger.

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Photo of the week: December 22

Wow you take good shots. We’re delighted with all the input, but please don’t slow down. We will use them all.

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Chelsea Ellard and the found sailboat

This story comes to us from Chelsea Ellard, aged 12 of Thunder Bay Ontario.      

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Paul Elvstrom

This picture speaks to the essence of Paul Elvstrom, probably the most talented, driven and competitive sailor of his generation. Happy with his boat on the water and always competing.

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Photo of the Week: December 8 – They’re really good!

This CY Onboard feature celebrates your photos. A wonderful crop this week. The plan was to publish two but because we got so many good ones we’re already going to three. But we need yours!

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CYOB Inbox Dec 8

To shrink or not to shrink – that is the question. A couple of issues ago we asked the question and your answers continue to roll in.

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From the Helm of Adamant 1 – Installment 6 – Engine trouble

It was in one of the lakes, at mile 379, that Adamant lost her transmission. One moment we were moving along great, the next moment the engine was howling and we were dead in the water. Our buddy boat, Folly, a Catalina 42, quickly took us in tow as we were in a stump area.    

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CYOB INBOX – November 24

Letters to the editor, rants, complaints and oh yes, unsolicited compliments. They all go straight into the INBOX. We’d love to hear from you at CYonboard@kerrwil.com  

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CYOB INBOX – November 10

Letters to the editor, rants, complaints and oh yes, unsolicited compliments. They all go straight into the INBOX.

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From the Helm of Adamant 1 – Installment 5 – Into the Tennessee River

Last blog, we had just left Green Turtle Marina and we were headed into Kentucky Lake. Geographically, Kentucky Lake is separated from Barkley Lake by a large land mass known as The Land Between the Lakes.

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Mulgrave Marine Park

On the often overlooked yet welcoming shores of the Strait of Canso the Mulgrave Marine Park is in its infancy but well-suited to serve your boating needs

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The Photo Of The Week

This new CY Onboard feature will celebrate your photos. They can be funny, beautiful, weird, or simply reflective of the boating lifestyle. Whatever they are, we will share them with all of Canada and reward you for taking them.

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From the Helm of Adamant 1 – Installment 4 – The Rivers

We have conquered the worst part of the trip! Tonight we are guests of Green Turtle Marina on Barkley Lake, out of the current, debris and high water of the upper rivers.

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Nova Scotia’s majestic coastline is often popularized by such great harbours, cove and bays that go by the name of Halifax, Peggy’s and Mahone Historic place names…

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Annapolis Boat Show opens with Canadian Yachting on scene

The Annapolis boat show continues to be the largest one in the world.

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From the Helm of Adamant 1 – Installment 3 – Lake Michigan – Sept 9, 2016

Adamant 1 is finally in Chicago! We took almost three weeks to explore the east side of Lake Michigan. After we checked in at Drummond Island…..that experience is worth a blog of its own….

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