Dockside Dining

July 11, 2024
When you are a boater, there are two primary interests: 1 boating, 2 Eating and drinking. OK, that’s three, but you get my drift.
We already do a great job covering boating so now it’s time to expand to Item 2 – food and bev. Our goal is to locate the BEST dockside restaurants and pubs and reward them for their enthusiastic catering to the needs of hungry and thirsty crews. You are our reporters! (What is “dockside”? It could be a snack shack right on the pier or a walk/bike away. Even a short cab ride. The kind of place you head to right after you tie up).
It’s a big country but fortunately we have thousands of readers from coast to coast to coast and every one of them is both a boater and a consumer of food and drink. We’re all set!
The task is not a hard one. Get in your boat. Go somewhere. Dine, drink (but don’t drink and drive) and take photos of the place, the happy staff, the food, the menu. Then tell us what you like (love) about this spot and what makes it special. The food, the welcoming team, the nautical décor? A secret place like the wing joint in Youngstown or really famous like Henry’s Fish n Chips. It’s entirely your call. We will start next issue and you can look forward seeing the delicious places boaters hang their appetites after a day on the water. Hey, maybe we will even compile a book.
Send your description and lots of photos to us via and please put dining in the subject line.
John Morris,
Online Editor