Heritage Boatshed Re-Opens With Gala Re-Launch
After sitting idle and somewhat forlorn for over two years, the Heritage Wooden Boatshed at the Harbour of the Maritime Museum on Kits Point, Vancouver has been repaired and has now been officially re-opened on Sat April 14
The Boatshed is the home to the Oarlock and Sail Wooden Boat Club (OLAS), an enthusiastic group of wood boat devotees and it has been their home for the previous 15 years, and is a center for small wooden boat construction, restoration and repair. The Boatshed was used by the club but it was previously owned by the Maritime Museum, who found that it could not afford the on-going maintenance what with other immediate priorities. OLAS then purchased the facility and completed the necessary repairs, turning it into a professional marine woodworking facility.
Instrumental in this work was adding floatation, which was professionally done by Skookum Yacht Services (www.skookumyachtservices.com.) of Granville Island. Other improvements and re-installation of power tools was completed this past winter.
A highlight of the re-opening was the official re-launch of the 18’ rowing skiff, D’Arcy. It has been over four years in restoration after it was donated to OLAS by Leanne O’Grady on behalf of her family, who had commissioned and had owned her for over 40 years. D’Arcy was one of the last boats built by Darry Carter, boat-builder, about 1970. She will remain in the Club’s fleet and will be available for use by club members.
Oarlock and Sail Wooden Boat Club meets at the Boatshed every Saturday 10:00 AM and is interested in new members who want to share the premises, and work on wooden boats. Contact President Harald Riffel at hereorsomewhere@gmail.com. or Sec/Treas Gerry Fuchs at gfuchs@telus.net.
Information on marine services including diving and floatation is available from Jonathan or Stephen at Skookum Yacht Services, 778-898-7154 or www.skookumyachtservices.com