News: Hamilton Raft-Up Planned
Aug 22, 2024
The invitation reads ‘Power Boats, Sail Boats, Fishing Boats, Canoes, Kayaks…even paddleboats.’ “We’re looking for 30 but 100 would be nice,” explains Mike Landry, organizer of the first ever raft-up in western Lake Ontario planned for Saturday, September 14, 2024. (Rain Date: September 21, 2024.)
The designated raft area is between the north end of the Lift Bridge to Burlington Pier, just onto the Lake Ontario side off Burlington Beach. There will be RIBS on site to assist rafters with anchoring if necessary.
We’ve never done anything like this before but there are lots of them elsewhere, Landry, a Burlington powerboater and member of Royal Hamilton YC, explains. Participants are asked to sign up
for planning purposes at: