Opti Nationals held at RNSYS

Sept 14, 2017
Here’s wrap-up of the Opti racing at RNSYS. By the way, we love Mini Me the committee boat.
The 2017 Canadian Optimist Championships wrapped up Saturday August 26th at the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron in Halifax, NS.
The event was an enormous success as 150 sailors from across Canada and 7 other countries competed in both the Championship and Green Fleets.
For the advanced sailors, the event included a Fleet Racing Championship and Team Racing Championship, which consisted of a grid of 16 teams in a single knock out format.
The Championship Fleet consisted in a 2-day Qualifying Series and a 2-day Final Series. Boats were divided in 2 flights, each with 65 boats. 6 races were completed in the Qualifyiers and 5 in the Finals. Making it a total of 11 races and 1 drop. The average time per race was 45 minutes.
The conditions throughout the event made it for a fun and fair racing as there was everything from 6 knots to 25 and gusts of 37!
Overall winner of the 2017 Canadian Optimist Championship is Jack Gogan from RNSYS.
Top Canadian Female is Carling Davies from RCYC.
Top 3 Teams at the Team Racing Championship:
2nd BER
3rd BQYC & ISV
The 2017 Canadian Optimist Championship is the only qualifier event for the 2018 IODA events and therefore, sailors that have qualified to join Team Canada in 2018, will receive their respective CODA invitations next month.
The event had an outstanding press coverage as it caught the interest of all Nova Scotians and the vast North American sailing community.
Results can be seen at www.2017opticanadians.com
Photo credits: Opti Canadians