Route Halifax Saint-Pierre 2016 Launches Plan for 8th International Yacht Race

Saint Pierre


December 20, 2015

The Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron (RNSYS) wants to attract adventurous east coast skippers who are seeking an ocean adventure this summer.  The Notice of Race is now published for the 2016 edition of a race that links the east coast of Canada with the French Islands of St. Pierre et Miquelon, which lie off the coast of Newfoundland.  

The RNSYS and the Yacht Club de Saint-Pierre are sponsors of the 8th biennial edition of Route Halifax Saint-Pierre.   The details of the challenge are now available in the NOR published by the Race Director, Richard Hinterhoeller.  It is available on the race website:

This year’s RNSYS Chair, George Chisholm has raced in two previous editions of the event. He is challenging his race committee to grow participation through careful recruitment.  “We are planning to offer a reduction in entry fees to participants who can bring new skippers into the race.”

Chisholm, a past commodore of RNSYS, says the 360-nm course is a great experience in ocean racing.  “As you make your way to the eastern shore of Nova Scotia to the Cabot Strait, you will start to see different sea birds such as puffins, an indication that you are well on your way to St. Pierre, a little bit of Europe right here in North America.”

The starting gun will be fired in Halifax harbour on Sunday, July 10th at 1300.  The record for the race to Saint-Pierre is held by Derek Hatfield’s Open-60 Spirit of Canada.  The vessel finished the 2010 race in 29:43:56. Depending on the winds and weather, the race course can take two or three days for smaller vessels.  The time limit for this year’s race is 0900 on Thursday, July 14th.  The prize giving ceremony will be held in Saint-Pierre later that day.

Saint Pierre 2

Social events both in Halifax and Saint-Pierre are being planned.  One of the memorable experiences for skippers and crew is the warm welcome waiting for them at the end of the race. Each vessel is paired with a family in Saint-Pierre.  No matter the time of day or night the sailors arrive, French wine and hearty hugs are shared as everyone gets to know one another. 

Registration is open. Contact Race Dir. Richard Hinterhoeller via email:

For more information, contact:

Mikela Sani 902-477-5653
RNSYS Communications Manager


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