the 6th annual Boat Rally for Kids

Aug 9, 2018
On the last weekend of July, Executive Yacht took part in the 6th annual Boat Rally for Kids with Cancer in Muskoka. Celebrity navigators joined teams in a fun-filled weekend that raised a record-breaking $1.1 million for SickKids in partnership with Camp Oochigeas.
The event drew had a total of 29 boats participate in 5-6 teams. The teams went to four different pitstops on Lake Joseph and Lake Rosseau (Bob & Marie Buchan, Tom McCormick, Roman Rockcliff and Lake Joseph Club). The teams participated in different activities such as trying to catch a pig, slip & slide flip cup, beer pong “fear factor” addition, snake pit where they had to grab a disc and flying up in a sea plane and trying to hit the target.
Some of the sponsors included Grand Touring Automobiles (Presenting Sponsor), Air Canada (Airline Sponsor), Cowan Infinite (Brunch Sponsor), Crossroads (Lunch Sposnor), Divine Furniture (Décor Sponsor), Phot-o-holic (Photographer Sponsor), Rosseau Group (Event Sponsor), Nationwide Appraisal Service (Event Sponsor), Tommy Bahama (Hat Sponsor), T-Shirt Elephant (T-shirt sponsor), La Stella, Tag, Muskoka Springs, Eska Water, Side Launch (Beverage Sponsors).
You can view the full list of sponsors here:
Our celebrities navigators can be found here: