Holiday Season Message from the Chief Commander

Dec 21, 2016
It is my pleasure to let you know that CPS-ECP ended the fiscal year 2015-2016 with a surplus just shy of $120,000. This, compared to the $15,000 surplus we had last year, was related to a great degree to the high demand for the Maritime Radio course across the country. It indicates that CPS-ECP is a key player in boating safety in Canada. It will somehow support our current analysis to modernize and make our web site more accessible and activate projects to better reach members and boaters needs.
Successful activities are confirming that our new structure, in place since 2014, has started producing positive results. Our partnership with CIL-Orion and Transport Canada has reached another record with the recovery of some 35,000 expired flares. With the significant co-operation of Canadian Yachting and L’Escale Nautique, members now have access to our new On-Board enewsletters. The reading rates have been significantly above any expectations which indicate these are being well received by our membership.
Do yourself a favor and take full advantage from what CPS-ECP sponsors are offering to members. Occasionally, sponsors make special offers to members. There were a few this past year by Fugawi and Steveston Marine and we hope to negotiate some more in the coming year.
It pays to be a member of CPS-ECP. There are the sure benefits from our sponsors and partners, but also remember that members are part of a ‘committed community of experienced boaters inspiring others to adopt a safe boating attitude through education and training’. That happens to be the CPS-ECP Vision!
In the coming weeks or months, you may have a need for a gift. Why not offer one of the CPS-ECP courses or seminars? Wouldn’t that be great to be giving the gift of safety and knowledge!
We are looking forward for further great achievements in 2017.
Thank you all for your support and I wish you a Happy Holiday Season, good health and a Prosperous New Year.
Robert Pepin, AP
Chief Commander