Heading North to Haida Gwaii in 2016?

Haida Gwaii Legacy Pole

Mar 22, 2016

Anna Maria Husband, Visitor Services Team Leader, Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve and Haida Heritage Site is pleased to announce that Parks Canada has decided to again offer its orientation sessions in the Lower Mainland and on Vancouver Island this year. They recognizes that the travel plans of many boaters.

Image courtesy:  Bluewater Cruising Association

Anna Maria Husband, Visitor Services Team Leader, Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve and Haida Heritage Site is pleased to announce that Parks Canada has decided to again offer its orientation sessions in the Lower Mainland and on Vancouver Island this year. They recognizes that the travel plans of many boaters involve crossing the South Hecate and entering Gwaii Haanas from the southern tip.

This one-hour orientation session is mandatory before you can visit this amazingly beautiful area of the Coast. Normally presented in Skidegate on Haida Gwaii, this opportunity will allow you to enter the area by boat, directly from the Mainland Coast after you have made your reservations, thus making passage to the area far more convenient.

Signage is intentionally minimized in Gwaii Haanas to protect the wilderness experience. Instead of signage, Gwaii Haanas requires that all visitors participate in a pre-trip orientation. The orientation reviews current safety information and traveler protocols. It discusses appropriate conduct while visiting Gwaii Haanas to ensure that the area, as well as the experience of other visitors, is protected. It is also an opportunity for visitors to ask questions about their upcoming trip and ensure that they have the information that they need.  It is a legal requirement for all visitors to attend the orientation annually.

For all details visit:  http://currents.bluewatercruising.org



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