A Cornerstone at Kerrwil: Lynn Lortie Retires the Office and Opens the Sails on a New Chapter
April 1, 2016
When the backbone of our office crew announced that her final day of work would be April 1st, of course nobody took it very seriously. However, as the day approached, it became more apparent that Lynn Lortie was not working on an elaborate April Fools prank. After six years of extremely cheerful telephone greetings and a can-do attitude toward any task that cannot be matched, Lynn retired from Kerrwil Publications on April 1st.
Photo: Lynn Lortie at the helm of Adamant 1
Credit: Pat Lortie
During her time at Kerrwil, Lynn spearheaded many daunting projects, not the least of which was print ad production, trade show organization, extensive online directory creation and exemplary customer service. She and her husband, Pat, were also yearly fixtures representing Canadian Yachting at the Toronto Boat Show.
You don’t have to lose sight of Lynn just yet though. She and Pat will be setting sail this July from the Midland Sailing Club (see a feature profile on this club in May’s issue of CY magazine) as they make their way into the Great Loop and head out on a three year sailing odyssey. At CY we’ll be chronicling their travels and experiences in the form of a blog at canadianyachting.ca. We will miss Lynn’s presence a great deal and know that any of our colleagues and readers who have had the good fortune to know Lynn will join us in wishing her safe travels and an abundance of adventure along the way.
Photo 2: CY Publisher, Greg Nicoll, toasting Lynn Lortie on the occasion of her retirement.
Credit: John Armstrong