What Plan, Your Plan…. Strategic Priority #5 Communications
Mar 14, 2019
An ongoing flow of information between our three levels, Squadron, District and National, is the prime target of the Communications Priority. At times action is requested and required, and at other times important messages need to be shared. This flow is not one-way, the lines of communication must go back and forth if we are to maintain a viable network encompassing all our needs.
Most of us have been involved in surveys of one kind or another, and many of us wonder what has happened to the data collected from these, and has this information helped to formulate new plans, or crystalize thinking about a certain way to move ahead. Sometimes events overtake the good intentions envisioned at the time. One such survey undertaken by the Communications Committee involved collecting a listing of all our Instructors. This information is ready and waiting for inclusion in our IT System, though some updating will be required.
A survey conducted through our D/Cs to our Squadrons contains a wealth of comments and suggestions that can be used throughout our various departments, and is still being analyzed. Thanks go to all of you that took the time to respond, and please be aware that without these replies and opinions, it would be that much harder to formulate future communication goals.
As you soon move into your Change of Watch it is important to try your best to include a Communications Officer, or designate a member of the Executive Committee to serve in this capacity. This will be a good way to ensure that we don’t hear the comment ‘we don’t know what’s happening’ any more.