Volunteer Spotlight: Bob Wood, CPS-ECP Volunteer of the Year

Oct 26, 2023
Bob joined the Calgary squadron in 1979 obtained his instructor qualifications teaching both CPS and Sail Canada (CYA) courses. In 1998 Bob moved to Vancouver Island where he spent 14 years as Harbour Master for the RVYC.
Bob and Edie built a house on Gabriola Island in 1998 and transferred their membership from Calgary to Gabriola 2008. Bob is an enthusiastic leader in the RVCC program and has trained many members to preform vessel safety checks.
Bob has some mobility problems but that hasn’t slowed him down, he is a tireless supporter and organizer of squadron events. Bob makes every effort to assist where ever possible.
Cowan Insurance is the proud sponsor of the CPS-ECP Volunteer of the Year Award. Please support those who support us.
Photo by Don Butt.