Post AGM: Education Department news
Nov 25, 2021
For CPS-ECP members, the AGM is like New Year’s Day. It is a time to review the past months and set goals for the coming months (the famous resolutions).
In reviewing the past months, we have found that not all officers and instructors are comfortable with computer tools, both for teaching courses and for collaboration and communication.
So, what are the objectives of the Training Department? They flow naturally from these observations.
– For instructors: Facilitate the pairing of instructors experienced in online training with those who are not, in order to guide them.
– For officers: Prepare step-by-step Power Point presentations demonstrating the use of the MS TEAMS communication and collaboration tools in direct relation to the department.
In this post-pandemic era, Squadrons are slowly returning to the classroom. But it is clear that online learning is still in demand, especially for the self-study radio course. Squadrons have been experimenting with successful new approaches and the department will be holding meetings to demonstrate these approaches. Squadrons have mentored the self-study courses with weekly meetings that have helped build relationships with students to promote membership. Other squadrons implemented a hybrid format with students in the classroom and others taking the course remotely online.
These new ways of doing things can certainly be a source of inspiration for squadrons that are struggling to make a go of it.
Lise Blais Huot, SN
National Executive Officer
Officier national exécutif