Nominations For 2020 CPS-ECP National Volunteer Awards

Volunteer Award

June 11, 2020

Its ‘Awards’ time: Who are you going to Nominate?

CPS-ECP is made up of extraordinary individuals. Wouldn’t you like to make sure those people know how much they are valued and their contribution appreciated? An award is a special way to recognize and thank someone who has contributed exemplary effort to CPS-ECP in the areas of education, membership, volunteers, community, and communications.

Award winners will be publicly recognized at the October AGM in Windsor.

Any member can make a nomination. We know it can sometimes be difficult, because you might like to put their name forward for more than one category – that’s OK. Go ahead! You may like to nominate more than one person – that’s OK too.

Don’t put it off too long – just do it! Our volunteers deserve that consideration. 

And, there is no limit to the number of nominations one can submit. 

There are awards for:

• Volunteer of the Year
• Officer of the Year
• Instructor of the Year
• Electronic Instructor of the Year

While we have extraordinary individual volunteers, we also know that there are exceptional teams of people too. There are awards for squadrons and districts that have achieved great success in the classroom as well as an Environment Award. These teams are at the core of moving our organisation forward, ensuring boater safety but also in catalyzing CPS and its members to be leaders in actions that reduce impacts to the aquatic environment.

We also have awards for Best Squadron and Best District which can nominate themselves or be nominated by others. Let us know what you have achieved and how your achievements can inspire other Squadrons and Districts.

What great titles to be able to put on your web site – ”Volunteer”/ “Officer” / “Instructor” / “Best Class” / “Squadron” / “District” of the Year 2020 !

Information about the awards, past recipients, and the nomination forms can be found on the CPS-ECP website, under your Profile click on: My Dashboard/ CPS-ECP Directories and Guidebooks – click “Visit Section”/ Our Organization – Awards.

Nominations must be submitted to CPS-ECP National Office by regular mail, fax or email no later than end of day June 30, 2020.

Fax: 416-293-2445

Mail: National Volunteers Awards, 26 Golden Gate Court, Toronto, On, M1P 3A5 

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