IT Website Renewal Project Update



Oct 26, 2017

Following the Conference in Vancouver last fall, the Executive Committee made a commitment to the members of CPS-ECP to make much needed improvements to our Information Technology Platform. Since then a three-phased process was undertaken and that will result in an updated, more efficient and effective system to serve the needs of CPS-ECP, its members, Squadrons, Districts, Administration, and Educational Services for now and for the foreseeable future.




Phase I – IT Business Needs Assessment

We contracted with a consultant to conduct an IT Assessment, which was the “Discovery” process. This step involved gathering information from the volunteer leadership across the organization to determine what CPS-ECP needs and where it wants to go with a new system. This made sure that the goals, objectives, and strategies were properly defined and understood so that the next phase, that of developing specifications, including detailed instructions of the architecture required, could be undertaken. In other words, the critical part of this phase was to do a comprehensive business needs analysis.

Phase II – Requests for Proposal

This phase involved taking the results of Phase I and designing the things required to transform Phase I objectives into specific roadmaps that IT Project Managers could use to build the systems (including websites), which is Phase III. Phase II resulted in the issuance of a Request for Proposal (RFP) to a number of companies to give them the opportunity to present IT solutions first to our IT Renewal Team and ultimately to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.

The RFP resulted in the selection of Innovexa Solutions as the company to build our new IT Platform.

Phase III – The Building Stage.

Innovexa has been working closely with our IT Project Team and members from all levels of CPS-ECP to ensure that they meet our expectations and build a comprehensive website that will service our Public, Member, Officer and Administrative needs. The website will be “Unveiled” at the National Conference in Charlottetown later this month. Those in attendance will have the opportunity to see what has been built and speak directly with the IT Team as well as representatives from Innovexa.

There will be further communications to all members outlining the launch details and the login process for the new site. Care has been taken to ensure that using the new site is an easy stress- free experience.

Stay tuned……..

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