Introducing CPS-ECP’s National Secretary: Lynda Bennett-Retei, S

Dec 5, 2019
Lynda has been involved with Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons for over 21 years. Lynda and her now husband have been boating for over 29 years and very early on they both realized that driving a boat was not like driving a car! Firstly the markers out on the water were not road signs and weather did play a role in their enjoyment on the water.
Over the years there have been CPS-ECP courses taken and a lot of what they know today has come from some great mentors that they have met along the way. Joining the Coquitlam Squadron was the best thing that they ever did and squadron life has given them many friends and opportunities to join cruises and to part-take in various social events. She has also been involved at the District level and assisted on a National Committee or 2. Lynda still enjoys her time on the water on the west coast.