Howard G. Peck Volunteer of the Year Award
Nov 9, 2017
We are all volunteers in CPS-ECP but some of our volunteers go far beyond what is taken for normal. These people often become an integral part of the Squadron or District and contribute a great deal to the well-being of CPS-ECP. Deborah Churchill of the Avalon Squadron, Atlantic District, is one these special people.
A long-time member of Avalon Squadron, Deborah has always dedicated a great deal of time and energy into CPS-ECP and for the last eight years has been the Squadron’s Educational Officer organizing the courses, instructors, venues and a host of other things all related to extending the outreach of CPS-ECP into the local community of St. John’s, Newfoundland. She has also been active in the Atlantic District serving in several positions up to and including District Commander. Deborah has had lots of National exposure as well as she is a past member of the National Nominating Committee and the Editorial Committee. Deborah is never shy about taking on more work!
Deborah continues to advocate for her Squadron at the Atlantic District level and is now the Secretary. As well, she takes time to make sure that anyone seeking information about CPS-ECP gets a prompt, courteous and informative reply to their inquiry. Congratulations Deborah for a job very well done and CPS-ECP is so much better for all your dedicated efforts on so many fronts!
Deborah is pictured with Cowan Insurance Group Industry Leader, Programs & Associations, Cathy Bisbee and Chief Commander Robert Pepin, AP.
This award is sponsored by Cowan Insurance Group.