CPS-ECP Awards nominations now open!

Mar 24, 2022
It’s that time again! And, this year in particular you might know someone who has gone to extraordinary lengths for CPS-ECP.
AWARDS: Volunteers are the heart and soul of CPS-ECP. The Board would like to thank and recognize all of our volunteers. This year we are going back to each winner of 7 National Awards, and their guest, will have National pay their transportation and 2 nights’ hotel accommodations so they can receive their awards in person. And we’ve arranged to have that done in a special ceremony on the Friday night. The winners will get the spotlight in their own special ceremony without having to compete with the rest of the AGM. The eligible awards are: Volunteer of the Year; Officer of the Year; Instructor of the Year; Electronic Course Instructor of the Year; Environmental Award; Squadron of the Year; and District of the Year. Please note the submission deadline is June 30th, 2022.
The overall winner in these categories will now be able to travel to and stay at the National Conference in Toronto with a guest at no cost to them. This is a big step CPS-ECP is taking to enable winners to attend in person and really be celebrated. The awards will again be presented in a special ceremony on the Friday night instead of at the end of the long Saturday AGM. Both of these changes are to make the awards more special to the winners.
We are also continuing the Squadron Star Trophy for new memberships and the District Bell Award for membership renewals. And, as with the National Awards, the Membership Officer of the winning Squadron of the Star trophy will be able to travel to and stay at the national conference at no cost to them. No nominations are required for the Star Trophy or the Bell award as they will be determined by membership sign-up and renewal statistics.
So, please consider nominating someone for one or more of the 7 National Awards. We all know someone deserving and this is a special way for all of us to say, “THANK YOU!”
Nomination forms can be found on the CPS-ECP website (login required) under – My Member’s Area; 02. Our Organization; Awards; CPS-ECP Awards: Description and Applications.
Nominations must be submitted to the National Secretary by email no later than the end of day June 30th, 2022.
Email: ns@cps-ecp.org