Boating Immersion Stories
Nov 24, 2022
You can help fellow Canadian Boaters by sharing your boating experiences!
The Canadian Safe Boating Council (CSBC) is looking for boaters who are interested in participating in a study regarding the importance of lifejacket wear in the event of falling overboard and accidental immersion.
Have you or someone you know ever fallen overboard? What was your reaction to this accidental immersion? Were you wearing your lifejacket? What was your attitude towards lifejacket wear before the event? Has it changed your viewpoint about it after?
Sharing is learning and by creating a community of interest the CSBC can help fellow boaters across Canada learn through other’s stories and further our efforts to help you stay safe on the water.
For more info and to share your stories, come to:
John Gullick
Canadian Safe Boating Council