Women’s Day at the 2018 Vancouver Boat Show – Keynote Speaker Pamela Bendall

Jan 11, 2018
Melissa Gervais of Pacific Yacht Systems spoke of meeting Keynote Speaker Pamela Bendall “One of the things I love about boating is the people you meet on any given day. For example, I met the Women’s Day keynote speaker, Pamela Bendall, almost 20 years ago walking the dock at Centre Bay on Gambier Island. My Irish Setter, Kennedy, took a liking to Pamela’s Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Bentley. We started chatting and somehow got on the topic of bathtubs, Pamela told me that she had a tub on her sailboat we clicked instantly.
“When I met Pamela, she was an investment advisor with BMO Nesbitt Burns. In fact, in 1996, she was the first woman in Canada to win the Investment Dealers Association of Canada Award of Distinction. She decided to leave the corporate world to embark on a new adventure with her 46-foot steel-hulled sailboat, Precious Metal. I have to admit that there have been days at the office when I have contemplated sailing off into the sunset but to actually sell everything and do it is another story. I am really looking forward to hearing about, not only, how she came to this decision but how she made it happen.”
Travel, adventure and sailing have been a big part of Pamela’s life. She has visited over 100 countries in the world, sailed from Canada to New Zealand and Japan with two young children and has navigated the Marblehead Ocean Race from Boston to Halifax, the Victoria to Maui Yacht Race and has sailed over 150,000 ocean miles. Her experiences have inspired two books, Kids For Sail and What Was I Thinking? Adventures of a Woman Sailing Solo.”
Tickets are available on the Vancouver Boat Show Website.