Toronto Boat Show goes Virtual

Dec 3, 2020
Live events are a casualty of lockdowns and as previously reported the Toronto International Boat Show is not going to happen in person this year. But, the show is on. On your screen at least.
CYOB has not received too much detail beyond the dates. Here’s what the Show team has to say as of last weekend:
We are excited to share with you that it’s time to mark your calendar! The dates for the Virtual Toronto International Boat Show are January 18 – 24, 2021.
We Are Summer! And we’ll be ready, as we have been for the past 62 years to help you plan your boating season, and connect you with products & services from our 500+ Exhibitors.
We’d like nothing more than to be together in person, and we will again when the time is right. For now, we look forward to bringing the Toronto Boat Show and the boating community together virtually. Stay tuned, we’ll have lots more to share and we look forward to seeing you in January!