Ahoy, Boss. The work-from-boat stratagem

Sept 8, 2022
“I’ll be right up to help with those fenders; I’m just on a zoom with the marketing manager.” These are the words that have characterized this summer and a couple of previous ones. Working from the boat has become a way of life for a lot of us over the pandemic and follow up semi pandemic.
And why not. It couldn’t be safer – mostly just family and close crew around. Internet is solid in most marinas and dock settings while the boat provides a gracious space for relaxed discussion, a level of privacy for industrial espionage and a nearby cooler or refrigerator to keep the conversation lubricated. If you go out for a brief cruise on the lake, it’s just a means to clear your thoughts before that big merger discussion.
In the media these days we read a lot about employees reluctant to return to the recirculated stale air of the office and for boater/workers that’s even more dramatic. No-one said the work from home concept only applies to landlocked structures.
And face it Mr/Ms/Gender Non-specific Bossperson – a happy employee is a productive employee even if they take a breather to adjust a mooring line once in a while – that sales meeting can chill out for a sec.
Here’s our official approach to responding to the insistence that you return to the office: 1. Yes, I may come in a couple of days after haulout 2. I reserve the possibility that I may do a bit of online work at home from the Caribbean later this winter 3. Get over it: my life/work balance is predicated on my boat, so I plan to resume the work-onboard lifestyle starting next spring.
John Morris
Online Editor
Canadian Yachting Magazine