POTW: Shark bite

Oct 13, 2022
Hamilton, ON’s Shark two-time champ, Keven Piper, spent his fall vacation with his ILCA-6 sailor 15-year-old son heading to the J80 Worlds in Newport. Along the way, Willem illustrated the race they were heading to, and that’s our Sketch of the Week (SOTW?), this time.
You’ll notice that there appears to be a big bite taken out of the keel. Hopefully that didn’t affect their finish. Full result in next week’s Sailing in Canada.
Looks like we have added drawings to our POTW portfolio and why not? But photos are what we are after so send in yours: power, sail, on the boat, near the boat or???? Send yours along to CYonboard@kerrwil.com and please put POTW in the subject line.