POTW: Practicing!!

Sept 8, 2022
a few shots of my wife Maggie practicing her silks routine on our 1982 C&C in the North Channel for use in your publication.
One shot is against the rocks in Covered Portage and the second is sunrise at West Mary Island.
Our boat name is Full Tilt. We are out of the Thornbury Yacht Club in case you see us out there somewhere!
Happy sailing!
Well now – your Photo of the Week may not include a gymnastic feat of this maginitude but every shot has a story to tell. Please send your photos, acrobatic or otherwise (anything boat-related – beauty, funny, pets, people or whatevery you like) to cyonboard@kerrwil.com and please put POTW in the subject line. We publish a new one twice a month and we look forward to receiving yours.