POTW: July 12, 2018 -Suitable for framing!

July 12, 2018
This photo from a CPS member shows how talented boaters are. Brenda Cochrane from Kelowna BC, a member of the Okanagan Squadron, Western Canada Inland District, modestly sent in a photo with this simple note “Here is my shot of the Woods Island Lighthouse in PEI when I was in Charlottetown last fall for the National Conference.”
The photograph arrived in high res and we assure you it is stunning in large format.
Lighthouse, scenic beauty or simply a great shot on your boat? The Photo of the Week can be anything, pets, fun, craziness, beautiful sunsets and of course amazing landmarks.
Got a great shot? Send it in and you could have the Photo of the Week.
The rules are simple. It has to be your shot taken in and around boats or from a boat. Send your photos to cyonboard@kerrwil.com with POTW in the subject and we’ll get them into an upcoming issue! Thanks in advance.