POTW: Happy High Seas Halloween

Nov 9, 2018
“In Grenada, we had about 80 cruiser kids visit our boat…by dinghy of course! Sometimes you experience other cultures, sometimes you import yours!”
Ken and Lynn tell us
“We are full time live aboard cruisers. We left Toronto on our Niagara 35 in 2008, after living on her full time in Toronto harbour for five years.
We sailed down through the ICW and took the Thorny Path to the Eastern Caribbean. Been here ever since.”
Send us your POTW. The photo of the week can be anything photographed on or near your boat, kids, pets, lunch, Halloween costumes, racing, cruising, craziness, signs – you pick it and send your photos, with a bit of a back story, to CYonboard@Kerrwil.com and put POTW in the subject line.