CYOB InBox: More Names, More Severn II!


In response to last issued POTW of Ketch 22 from Hilton Beach, ON, we received a couple of good ones: Mike Vollmer sent along pun-ny name, “No Gust, No Glory” and promises us a photo from Chippewa ON.

July 26, 2023

In response to last issued POTW of Ketch 22 from Hilton Beach, ON, we received a couple of good ones:

Mike Vollmer sent along pun-ny name, “No Gust, No Glory” and promises us a photo from Chippewa ON.

From Hamilton, Tom Roesslein sent along HELOC which, as it turns out, stands for Home Equity Line Of Credit. Seems appropriate.

 Boat Name




More on Severn II
Collision avoidance is the paramount responsibility of any vessel underway whether racing or not. Basic rules concerning right of way have to be considered when undertaking any maneuver and still rank behind avoiding collision if possible whether in the right or not.

Severn II









In the Severn II and Yquem incident it is very fortunate no one was injured or worse. The eights are very heavy vessels with powerful rigs and carry a huge amount of momentum. Vessel collisions are caused by equipment failure or human error. The latter is easily managed.



Stephen Cameron, Belleville ON
CYA Silver Sail Advisor (ret)
Original Canadian Owner of Severn II of Ardmaleish

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