CYOB Inbox: Ideas and Arrows

CYOB Inbox

Nov 21, 2019

In our last issue, we asked for input and we were happy to hear from you. Below are a few responses that lead to further discussion.

Feel free to pick up the thread or send us your own observations at

– JM

CYOB reader Martin Herbert’s local fleet heading to the lee mark in close formation: The eight boats pictured at the front of this race include two British designs, two Croatian boats, two designs from New Zealand’s Ian Vickers and two boats designed locally.

Model Citizen

Hi John,

I am a long time dinghy racer and have sailed all my life. When I retired to Saltspring Island on the West Coast (from Calgary and the Glenmore Sailing Club) I missed most the lack of good class racing in one-design boats. Most of the races here are PHRF, which is not the same thing. What I found was the huge worldwide community of RC racing, specifically in the International One Metre class.

We have regattas all up and down the West Coast and I travel to lots of events in Western Canada and the USA. The racing is close and tactical and top sailors from many “oversized” boats have migrated to the IOM as a way to hone their skills. In 2019, starting with a meet on New Years Day in Victoria, I have raced 570 races this year, and our season is not over yet. On November 15th our World Championships begin in Brazil. Seventy-six competitors have fought to qualify for the event and Canada has one spot that is being filled by Peter Grimm, a Vancouver sailor. I would like to see some coverage of the Worlds and perhaps a regular update on the many RC events that are held each year.

Here is our local fleet heading to the lee mark in close formation: The eight boats pictured at the front of this race include two British designs, two Croatian boats, two designs from New Zealand’s Ian Vickers and two boats designed locally.

Thanks for asking and for your consideration on this matter.
Martin Herbert

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Recruiting youth??

Hi John.

I think CYonboard provides a pleasing variety of topics.  Although I am a one-design racer (Martin242s), I particularly enjoy the articles that spotlight BC cruising destinations.  I would also find articles on equipment for racing to be interesting.

Competitive sailing, and I believe sailing in general, are suffering a slow demise.  In our Vancouver-based Martin242 fleet, we have been putting a lot of energy into recruiting new sailors, and attracting new owners to replace those who age out.

However, replenishing the fleet with new, young blood is a challenge.  Here in Vancouver, we attribute this to:

   – millenials don’t want to own anything – boat ownership does not appeal;

   – there are so many choices of things to do available to young people, and they don’t necessarily want to commit to one thing:  rock climbing, hiking, camping, team baseball & volleyball, etc.;

   – sky high housing prices make yacht club memberships and boat ownership luxuries that are not affordable.

I would love to learn how one design fleets, yacht clubs and other sailing organizations are meeting the challenge of keeping their groups strong and healthy.

Best regards,


Alan Drinkwater

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Mast differences


Your latest email CY Onboard, had the article regarding mast up or down for the winter and I opened the article expecting some researched and knowledgeable advise from a Mechanical Engineer and Naval Architect.  Instead the article provided no factual information and was merely “dock talk” which has been debated ad infinitum on many of the sail forums. 

If you are looking for suggestions on article for future publications, how about starting with the current ones and provide a properly researched and factual article.  To end the article with the advise to loosen the rigging is irresponsible to say the least as I can provide you with a multitude of “opinions” on why the rigging should be left in tune
FYI, I’ve stored our Hunter 33 for the past 12 years, mast up, and rigging left in tune with no issues.  Georgian Bay.

Scott Brookes

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