Ollie, the boat restoration guy

I see these old boats around an I can’t just let them go to the junkyard. So, I pick them up and do the work – make them nice again. Ollie Constable keeps turning them out, one by one.
June 21, 2023
Before: a 50 year old Grew twin drive
I see these old boats around an I can’t just let them go to the junkyard. So, I pick them up and do the work – make them nice again. Ollie Constable keeps turning them out, one by one.
Mostly I buy them for like $500. This Grew 255 was built some 50 years ago in Penetang and it was abandoned. I pulled out the twin drives, put in another recycled single and took the top off. Now it’s a beauty. I just find it terrible that these once fine boats are heading to landfill. It’s a waste. Plus, I hope I can inspire people to work on boats and fix them up.
After: a sweet centre console single drive
Ollie had Constable Boat Works in Parry Sound but retired 15 years ago, then took up boat working as a hobby. A number of the people who had worked at the Boat Works went on to their own enterprises and working elsewhere, which is where the momentum for getting new people enthused developed.
The Grew was headed for the boneyard
He has built boats, fixed boats, I had welded a bit, done everything. I had never done upholstery but picked it up on the internet. You can find lessons for everything. I hope I can inspire people to give their older boats some TLC.
– JM
More of Ollie’s restorations next issue of CYOB
at the dock today