Lakefront Promenade Marina Completes 2-Year Infrastructure Project with Kropf Industrial

Lakefront Promenade Marina is located on Lake Ontario in a large, protected harbour on Mississauga’s waterfront. They have recently completed a two-year infrastructure project leaving seasonal and transient boaters with a beautiful modern 175-slip facility.
June 21, 2023
The new docks at Lakefront Promenade Marina
Lakefront Promenade Marina is located on Lake Ontario in a large, protected harbour on Mississauga’s waterfront. They have recently completed a two-year infrastructure project leaving seasonal and transient boaters with a beautiful modern 175-slip facility.
The City of Mississauga completed a condition assessment on the marina in 2017. The previous docks and infrastructure were approximately 25 years old. Given the conditions of the facility, this project was determined a priority and the City of Mississauga’s project team then began work in 2019.
Raymond Lau, the City of Mississauga’s Project Manager, commented, “With every end, there is a new beginning. And this is true for the LFP docks. The design team’s objective was to replace the aged docks and ensure current regulatory requirements were met around the floating fuel dock and its fuel lines.”
“Due to the scope of work and demand to reconstruct the docks during the off-season, the city decided to phase the project over three years to allow uninterrupted boat use.” The project was strategically planned in three phases (docks A, B and C). Site work started in March of 2020 and the project was officially completed in December of 2022. Despite facing many barriers due to the pandemic, supply shortages, scheduling delays and more, the City of Mississauga and the contractors involved were able to successfully complete each project phase on time. You can read more about the first phase of this project in detail HERE.
Rutherford Contracting was selected as the general contractor for the project through a public bidding process. Rutherford chose Kropf Industrial as the dock sub-contractor and Claybar Contracting as the fuel system sub-contractor.
Kropf Industrial is a major manufacturer of marine infrastructure and has been in business since 1977. Kropf played a leading role in this project and was responsible for designing, manufacturing and installing the floating dock system. This included the ramps, security gates, the new electrical and plumbing system on the floating docks and the waste pump-out system with a discharge line back to the shore.
The entrance to A Dock – Kropf Industrial was responsible for the gates and ramps to each set of docks
The previous dock system was an aluminum frame with plastic floats that was constantly being damaged by ice forces. The fingers needed to be disconnected every winter to prevent damage. Essentially, the infrastructure was nearing the end of its lifespan.
The new docks are now made of steel pipes acting as the floats, with a welded steel frame. The steel is epoxy coated with sacrificial anodes for corrosion protection. The docks are also equipped with a composite decking material.
The new floating fuel dock
The dock system doesn’t require any winterization other than the standard procedures for the dock utilities. The maintenance requirements for the new system are minimal. Additional features of the docks include raceways with removable covers for maintenance access, power, water and safety ladders at each slip, corner fenders and solar lights.
The new floating fuel docks have three dispensers, a vacuum pump-out system and a fabricated kiosk. The marina and the City of Mississauga have a completely brand-new marina with exceptional new features.
Jordan Kropf, Sales Manager for Kropf Industrial commented, “This project demonstrates our ability to execute and manage a multi-phase project over two years, with significant levels of complexity, and a lot of coordination between different trades and contractors. We delivered a turn-key marina, including engineering and installation, on time, with a significant portion of the work taking place during the height of the covid pandemic. The entire project team, including the City, Shoreplan Engineering, Rutherford and Claybar, worked really well together and it was that collaboration that enabled the project to be such a success.”
Boaters at Lakefront Promenade Marina are heading into the 2023 boating season full of excitement to enjoy a completely modernized facility.
For more information on Kropf Industrial visit
The new docks with upgraded features